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Products for Parkinson's

Meet Russ Bradford and Charlotte Allen, a couple from the North East who are diagnosed with Parkinson's and devote their life to finding ways of enabling people with Parkinson's to live a better quality of life.

The couple set up Parkinson's Concierge to raise awareness, promote early diagnosis and ultimately improve the lives of those living with Parkinson's.

We're delighted to get the opportunity to collaborate with Russ and Charlotte and it's fantastic to see the couple benefitting from our products. They have created a beautiful home, and they didn't want to fill it with stigmatising, clinical-looking products.

Russ said, “Most products on the market designed to support you to live independently look cheap, unattractive, and very clinical, they indicate that there’s a disabled and possibly vulnerable person living in the house."

“Invisible Creations® offers a fantastic alternative to this, with products designed with dignity in mind, high quality, well-designed products that not only provide a solution to mobility issues, but do this in a modern, tasteful way.”

Charlotte added, “I love the products. They’re very stylish and help you live a better life. I truly believe the products will improve people’s lives. You don’t have to worry about tripping or falling."

"The Plant Pot Holder is very stylish, it reassures me that I won’t fall and creates independence as it gives you something to steady yourself on.”

She continued: “The Shower Shelf is great. In the shower it can be quite slippery, the product reassures me and lets me keep my independence that I can shower on my own and won’t fall over.”


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